Commercial Video
Gucci: The Alchemist’s Garden
“All of Paulette’s still lifes are about the simplicities of life: seeing and feeling the birth of things, aging while seizing precious moments, facing up to the fragility of love, balancing emotions on thin high-wires, hiding secrets in sealed tombs, suffering desires—tempus fugit, loving and being loved, passionate in relation to one another, touching, embracing, huddling, and with tears of joy or sadness being cradled and comforted on nature’s lap. Oddly, her still lives are not still, but like her, are scrambled with life.”
— Wayne V. Andersen
Fine Art Video
Modern Still Life Photography: A Tribute to the Old Masters
This is an exploration of the intersection between contemporary photographic artistry and the timeless legacy of the Old Masters. Distinguished speakers include David Pollack, Sotheby’s Senior Vice President & Specialist, Old Master Paintings; Gail Buckland, Photo Historian; Madeline Cornell, Director, Winston Wächter Fine Art; and Paulette Tavormina, Photographer, at her new exhibit Fiori del Giardino at Winston Wächter Fine Art in NYC.
Commercial Video
Behind the Scenes: The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook photo shoot
We were super lucky and had so much fun behind the scenes at the photo shoot. Between bites of delicious baked goods and flashes from Paulette's camera, we got to see what a communal creative process this photo shoot was! A big thank you to Brent, Josh, Paulette, Paul, Thom, Sandy, and everyone who let us capture this process! We were in heaven!
Fine Art Video
Art Matters: Paulette Tavormina Paulette Tavormina, by Mid-shore Community Television
Anke Van Wagenberg, Senior Curator of the Academy of Art Museum in Easton Maryland, interviews the American artist, Paulette Tavormina, at her first solo show at the Museum. Tavormina discusses how she makes these wonderful photographs inspired by the 17th century old master painters.
Fine Art Video
How Photographer Paulette Tavormina Seizes Beauty
Curator Anke Van Wagenberg and Tavormina are understandably delighted by this kind of special attention to the photographer's very first museum exhibit. But after two years of hard work, including the production of a book, they have good reason to feel satisfaction.
Fine Art Video
Paulette Tavormina: Natura Morta Opening Night
Focus Camera had a big night out covering the latest opening at the Robert Mann Gallery. Between sips of wine and snippets of conversation, we interviewed various gallery go-ers, and the photographer herself! Paulette's Renaissance-inspired photographs burst with color and teem with hidden details.